Tuesday 5 April 2011

Restless Right Now

Can't sleep at ALL, erghhh... Listening to Luciano's Essential Mix probably isn't helping :-/ I was so tired earlier and even got my head down, then got woken by some random knob! Note to self: use vibrate option more on phone :) Done loads of fucking work today though, nice & easy. About time! The last two weeks have been manic! Moving is bleughhhhhhh... Loving the end result though, obv that's the fun part, right..

Saving up for my car is brilliant..:) Xmas 2011 will be ace! Finally my girl wont be having to pick me up, I can pick her up and drive to her little country gaff and curl up beside a hot fire... FUCK I SOUND GAY! VOMIT/SICK BUCKET/BLEUGH/FAINT-haha!

Fuck I'm hungry now. Might make some toast, or waffles? Or some eggy bread? Decisions! Ooooh, Fonejacker advert just popped up, gonna watch that instead then make food :-)

Bootiful xx

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