Monday 4 April 2011

Tonight Matthew...

I'll be travelling back up North to go pick up the rest of my stuff. New gaff is slowwwlllyyy coming on. Never thought re-decorating an entire flat would be so tedious! I should be the happiest bloke in the world right now, but I'm not, that much.. Adjusting to new things and having to cut down on going out 3-4 nights a week has put me into a meh state of mind! Went out shopping on Saturday with my girl and I bought chocolate, that's it! It was fit chocolate but still.. Tamburro is stressed out. I think as soon as I get my stuff down here and at least put my own identity into the flat/my room etc then I will feel more at home. At the moment I feel out of place.. 5 weeks and all the work will be done, thank fuck!x

Everyone says I seem chilled, like I've lost that 'Tamburro Charm' (whatever the fuck that is!) The cocky, flirty boy in me is slowly disappearing and I'm thinking about stuff like what i can cook for my girl, or what nice restaurant we should check out.. Is this Love as we know it? Maybe this is the first time I've started to fall in Love? Who knows. Either way, I hope it involves more partying haha!

Excuse me now, I have to go paint a wall :-)

Ashley x

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