Friday 23 July 2010

My Summer So Far...

So, the summer is now in full swing :-) Lots going on I must say. The house fell through today so won't be moving back to East London in August but, will be by September, we hope. Global e-mailed me tonight offering me a very last minute opportunity to do a phone interview with Carl Cox tomorrow morning (well, it would of been today by now) but, I had to say no as I don't have any bloody equipment! I could of recorded it on my phone but, last time I did a phone interview (with Nima Gorji) it stopped recording after like 3 minutes or something and totally fucked up the whole interview!!

It's not all doom & gloom, though. I'm heading to Global weekend after next with our resident photographer, Beth Marsh, and, being there as press, with press passes, we will obviously get to hang out in the press tent so I am now in the process of devising some questions & choosing a theme for my interviews.. I've requested:

1.) Adam Beyer
2.) Carl Cox
3.) Loco Dice

I'll get the chance to speak with them and will get to speak with loads more, as well :-) Press tents are cool places. It's part of their contracts, to hang out in the tents for a little while for the press to get time with them etc.. Like Lovebox 2010 for e.g I wasn't even doing anything for work but still got press access and spoke wiuth Ellie Goulding, Chase & Status & Dizzee Rascal who, I completely took the piss out of! I was talking to him but like he talks! I think I was saying stuff like "ya knowww/bredrin/brare/ya'get me?/course bruv/still" etc etc! Can't even remember what I said but it was amusing for me in my own little world!

Not much else to report on the old work front, really. Oh yeah, my ideas for theme/s for the Global feature was, well, one of them was 'In Bed With' and then the name of the DJ so like, In Bed With Carl Cox, In Bed With Loco Dice etc but, it sounds too 'In Bed With Space'esque'... You know what I mean? And the whole, '60 seconds with' is plain, old, boring. I'm racking my brains but will come up with something, no doubt :-)

After Global, I'll be doing SW4, Notting Hill Carnival and a few other London based gatherings and then off to Bestival with Dan, Paolo & the gang in September! (can't wait for that!) and then off to Ibiza on the 25th (same dates as last year) to do our end of season Ibiza feature. Quite a few of us going out, actually. Tons of photographers, Managers, promo girls etc but, they're paying for like 4 villas for us all! Not sure where, though? But still, never stayed in a villa before in Ibiza! Partied in a few but never actually stayed in one so, I'm looking forward to that, be a nice way to end the summer :-) Plus, we'll all get press/vip to all of the closing parties which, again, will be a first for me! :-)

What else before I hit the deck? Oh yeah, Berlin next year for 6-8 months, hell yeah! Now that I've got a bloody Macbook Pro (finally!!) I'm really getting into Music Production and have bought a few programs for my Mac and just having a play around at the mo (much to the dismay of the wife! Not paying her enough attention, apparently!) so, come next year, around March/April, I hope to be well educated on this program and will be heading out to Berlin and staying with a good friend/DJ of mine and focussing, purely, on producing tracks with her, finding out all about the Berlin Scene and getting my DJ Career pushed to it's full potential. Because lets face it, simply 'just' being a DJ, in today's industry, aint gonna get you anywhere, is it? You need to produce a few tracks, get your name known across the globe and then more doors will open. That's how Jamie Jones/Seth Troxler/Matthias Tanzmann etc all did it so, I'm just gonna see how it goes and see what doors will open :-) I'm hopeful that something will come out of a 6-8 month stay in Berlin.

And that's all from me...

Night x

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