Thursday 12 August 2010

Back to the drawing board±

I'm seriously having issues with my Mac!!! If you have read my previous posts you will know I've had my Macbook Pro for around 3-4 weeks now and after over a decade of using Windows, I can't get used to it yet!! I've worked out loads of shortcuts etc and am not a complete retard when using it but, i do miss Windows, it's gotta be said!

One thing I do love about it; the genie effect when minimising or closing windows..ha ha! Proper geek :-) It was the best £1700.00 I've ever spent but, won't get an iphone. I'm happy with my BB. iphones are good don't get me wrong but EVERYONE'S got one! Millions of people, all over the planet; i-clones!

Toodles, thanks for taking the time out to read this Barb :-) x

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