Monday 7 June 2010

My Ego Is Fucking Huge & So It Should Be!

I feel sick man :( Have an interview this week with a really amazing website for the role of digital content manager/podcast king! Salary's wkd, perks are even better and the team are down to earth. What to do though? Leave my current job (which is ace) and risk becoming 'that guy' who goes from one thing to another..? Hmmm. We'll see.

No major plans other than that for this month. Festivals now confirmed! Lovebox, Global, SGP & Bestival. All free? Of course. One of the perks I could lose if I leave my current job!

I always seem to meet random people and this weekend, I did. Oh my God. Last year, at Monza Closing, I met some random dudes and girls and ended up partying with them for one night only. And that was it. No numbers or Facebook adds, it was what it was...Ibiza. A wkd terrace party on Saturday then food, drinks and naughties al fresco that eve and into the wee hours closely followed by Damaged Sunday night... Halfway through the night, who do I randomly bump into on the middle of the dancefloor..? The same people I met in Monza! MENTAL.COM! And they know all my friends too plus, I think I'm still in love with one of them!! Good times ahead most definitely :-D

Chris Liebing e-mailed me today thanking me for coming down to meet him @ Fabric last week. That's why I love my fucking self!

Mr Tamburro <3

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